Shared Success: The Future of Secure, Open IT Systems in Supply Chain

Discover the transformative power of shared IT systems in our global supply chain. In this video, Bryn Heimbeck, President and Co-Founder of Trade Tech, demystifies the concept of multi-tenant IT architecture. He explains how a multi-tenant software platform fosters secure, open communication channels that enhance operational efficiency. Learn how these systems not only uphold stringent security standards post-9/11 but also empower stakeholders by providing visibility and control over their data. By embracing this open yet secure approach, companies can stay strategically ahead, offering superior service at a fraction of the cost, and paving the way for a future where shared platforms are the standard in the logistics industry. 

Supply Chain Management | Trade Tech

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Trade Tech Customer Survey on ICS2-ENS

Your insights will help us understand your current understanding of the ICS2-ENS filing requirement. The survey is short and should take no more than 2 minutes to complete. As a thank-you for your time, we will be sharing the results in the near future. To take the survey, please proceed below. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Do you know what ICS2-ENS is?
Do you know when this regulation will become a requirement
How you think this regulation will impact you?
Do you know what an EORI Number is?
Do you know that you will need to have an EORI Number registered with a European Customs Agency by June 1, 2024 in order to book freight with the ocean carriers at the Master Bill Level?
Are you prepared to be compliant with ICS2-ENS filings on the House Bill (HBL) level by December 2024?
Thanks for taking our survey. Please click the Submit button below to send the results. If you would like to be contacted by one of our team please add your name and email address and then click submit.