EU - ICS2 ENS Import Control System 2 / ENS Filing

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EU Customs – ICS2 ENS Import Control System 2 / ENS Filing

What is ICS2 ENS?

Import Control System 2 or ICS2 ENS, is a new EU Customs security and safety program designed to enhance the security of the global supply chain and modernize Customs processes. Its implementation impacts all parties involved in shipping goods to or via the EU by ocean and inland waterways. It requires the electronic submission of detailed goods information prior to their arrival in the EU, facilitating risk analysis for security and safety. This regulation will replace the current regulation ICS 1.

When will ICS2 ENS be implemented?

What is different?

The Freight Forwarder will be required to make a HBL level filing, declaring the real Shipper and real Consignee’s names. Up until now, EU ENS was strictly an ocean carrier level filing requirement.
In addition, this filing will include a range of mandatory information about the goods being transported and will be required to be electronically submitted to the ICS2 ENS system in the form of a complete Entry Summary Declaration (ENS).

What is required for the Entry Summary Declaration (ENS)?

For compliance with ICS2 ENS regulations, the following information is mandatory and must be submitted accurately and timely. This filing will match closely with the security practices already in place in the USA, Canada, Japan and other countries:

Please download the ICS2 ENS file below

Who has the responsibility to file ICS2 ENS for a HBL?

Freight forwarders / NVOCCs and are required to make the filing.

What are the submission timelines for ICS2 ENS HBL filing?

All HBL data must be submitted no less than 24 hours prior to cargo loading on a vessel at origin.

How should stakeholders prepare for ICS2 ENS?

Freight Forwarders and NVOCCs should become familiar with the requirements, update IT systems, and ensure that operations staff and agents are trained. Freight Forwarders and NVOCCs will also have to ensure that their customers are prepared to comply with this new regulation. This includes securing and distributing their EORI number to the responsible parties.

What are the risks of non-compliance?

Goods will be stopped and delayed at the EU Customs borders. The goods in question will not be cleared by the Customs authorities. Inadequate declarations will either be rejected or subject to intervention, with no less than possible sanctions imposed for noncompliance.

ICS2 ENS Boosts EU Border Security with Advance Cargo Information

ICS2 ENS introduces requirements for every Bill of Lading issuer to present new advance cargo information, to protect against security and safety threats from goods entering the EU. The ICS2 ENS filing requires a complete set of Entry Summary Declaration data on goods in to or out of the EU border. Cargo owners and Freight Forwarders/NVOCCs will be able to file through the Trade Tech system. Trade Tech has developed electronic connections to EU Customs systems.
Failure to file ICS2 ENS will lead to actions by customs authorities to enforce compliance prior to and on arrival and freight will be stopped at the EU borders and the goods in question will not be cleared by Customs authorities.

ICS2 ENS introduces requirements for every Bill of Lading issuer to present new advance cargo information

Trade Tech Webinar for Import Control System 2 | Trade Tech

Trade Tech is proud to announce a series of ICS2-ENS webinars across the globe. By leveraging Trade Tech’s global network, these webinars will be hosted by our local offices and in

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Introduction The EU’s Import Control System 2 (ICS2) is a transformative initiative enhancing security and facilitating smoother trade across borders. By revolutionizing how cargo information is processed, ICS2 strengthens the

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The second phase of the European customs import system has been postponed, and this delay allows the industry to get prepared. By Bryn Heimbeck, president and co-founder of Trade Tech,

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Trade Tech Customer Survey on ICS2-ENS

Your insights will help us understand your current understanding of the ICS2-ENS filing requirement. The survey is short and should take no more than 2 minutes to complete. As a thank-you for your time, we will be sharing the results in the near future. To take the survey, please proceed below. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Do you know what ICS2 ENS is?
Do you know when this regulation will become a requirement
How you think this regulation will impact you?
Do you know what an EORI Number is?
Do you know that you will need to have an EORI Number registered with a European Customs Agency by June 1, 2024 in order to book freight with the ocean carriers at the Master Bill Level?
Are you prepared to be compliant with ICS2-ENS filings on the House Bill (HBL) level by December 2024?
Thanks for taking our survey. Please add your contact details and click the Submit button below to send the results.