CIFFA Webinar: What is Import Control System 2 (ICS2)? – November 12

Posted on: November 11, 2024

Hosted by Trade Tech, this complimentary Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFFA) webinar provided an introduction to Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) filing changes, including ENS filing at the HBL level, which will become mandatory in 2024, impacting all stakeholders in the CIFFA community.

Import Control System 2, or ICS2, is a new EU customs security and safety program designed to enhance the security of the global supply chain and modernize customs processes as an upgrade to the current ENS filing requirement.

Its implementation impacts all parties involved in shipping goods to or via (FROB) the EU by ocean and inland waterways, road and rail. It requires the electronic submission of detailed goods information prior to their arrival in the EU, facilitating risk analysis for security and safety.

Trade Tech will present information on:

  • ENS implementation dates, including the house bill of lading go-live of December 4, 2024.
  • Which countries are included in ENS filing?
  • What is different from other filings?
  • Up until now, EU ENS was strictly an ocean-carrier-level filing; it’s changing soon to require freight forwarders to file ENS.
  • How should stakeholders prepare for ICS2 / ENS filing?
  • Timeline to go live. 
  • Freight forwarders and NVOCCs will also have to ensure that their customers are prepared to comply. 
  • Have you secured an EORI number?
  • What data is required for the entry summary declaration (ENS)?

Date: This webinar is now finished


Tom Lloyd serves as Vice President of Customer Relations & Data Services for Trade Tech. His career in the global ocean transportation industry spans 40 years. He spent 23 years in executive-level sales and management positions on the ocean carrier side of the industry. He has been with Trade Tech for 14 years, managing many aspects of the business, especially global regulatory compliance.

Import Control System 2 (ICS2) Webinar - November 12 | Trade Tech

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Trade Tech Customer Survey on ICS2-ENS

Your insights will help us understand your current understanding of the ICS2-ENS filing requirement. The survey is short and should take no more than 2 minutes to complete. As a thank-you for your time, we will be sharing the results in the near future. To take the survey, please proceed below. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Do you know what ICS2-ENS is?
Do you know when this regulation will become a requirement
How you think this regulation will impact you?
Do you know what an EORI Number is?
Do you know that you will need to have an EORI Number registered with a European Customs Agency by June 1, 2024 in order to book freight with the ocean carriers at the Master Bill Level?
Are you prepared to be compliant with ICS2-ENS filings on the House Bill (HBL) level by December 2024?
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